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The Super of the Year Award is presented annually at the Super Party.
Selected by the San Francisco Opera Company, it goes to the person or
persons who have made outstanding contributions to Supering during the year.

Joan Imbeau, Paul Szczesiul, Susan Anderson-Norby

"There are a few of you out there I haven’t met yet, and I apologize for that. But since 112 of you played the 158 available Super roles this spring and fall, I’ve met quite a few of you. Before I present the Super of the Year Award, I would just like to say that working with all of you this season has been an honor and a privilege. I am constantly amazed by all the hard work you put into these roles. Neither I nor the company can thank you enough.

If it were up to me, you’d all be Super of the Year. But since all your names won’t fit on the plaque, I’ve narrowed it down to these people: Joan Imbeau for her hard work at the Super bake sales and as bookeeper for the Super Committee; Susan Anderson-Norby for being my right-hand woman on back-to-back Super-heavy productions this fall; and Paul Szczesiul for keeping the Committee on track as chairperson and for advising me as I stumbled through my first season. Thank you all!”

- April Busch (remarks made at the Super Party, November 13, 2006)

2005 Tom Carlisle
Michael Harvey
2003 Charlie Lichtman, Bruce McNaughton, Larry Severino, The Spearhead Web Site Team (Mark Burstein, Mike Harvey, Andrew Korniej, Charlie Lichtman, and Lynn Meinhardt)
2002 Steve Lavezzoli, Albert Malkin, Ron Mann, Ed Mitchell, Oliver Pollard
2001 Joe Giammarco, Charlie Lichtman, Bruce McNaughton, Larry Severino
2000 Leah Hall, Mickel London, Lucas Rebston, David Wilson
1999 Jonathan Spieler, Sally Warren, Paul Ricks, Laurel Winzler
1998 Peter Cannon, Jeffrey Johnson, David Lezan, Jason Mayo
1996 Tom Carlisle, David Clover, Milko Encinas, Leah Hall, Larry Hunnicut, Jim Miller, Kimberly Thompson, Mimi Timberlake
1995 Mark Fons, Albert Malkin, Jim Shields, Tom Tillman, Michael Wyatt
1994 Ian Mishkin, Louis Schilling, Andrea Kohlruss, Stephanie Salter
1993 Susan Anderson-Norby, Richard Johnson, Brenda Czernysz, Mario Tarabini
1992 Harrison Pierce, Ludmila Shashurin, Tom Curran, Gary Wendt-Bogear
1991 War & Peace Supers
1990 Holly Morrison, Diane Graham, Frank Jorgensen, Joe Willis
1989 Renee DeJarnatt, Dan Kyte, Matt Miller, Carolyn Waugh
1988 Rudy Cook, Bill Higgins, Beverly Terry
1987 Madeline Chase, Kermit DuVal, Albert Goodwyn, Susan Weiss